Signal conditioner VTS-Box – for increased measurement efficiency

Signal Converter VTS-Box


The VTS-Box by WayCon Positionsmesstechnik is a signal conditioner, specially developed for sensors, that use a potentiometer as sensor element. The VTS-Box increases the measurement efficiency because it allows to teach the measurement range, which improves the sensor's resolution. Another feature is the possibility to set a switching point. A typical application is the use in combination with a linear potentiometer, like for example the monitoring of cylinders in automated production processes.

The electronics inside the VTS-Box digitizes the measured cursor voltage of the potentiometer. This digital information is first processed and then transferred back into an analogue output signal, e.g. 0 to 10 V. As a result of the digitalization the measurement range can be teached and a switching point can be set. By teaching the sensor, the measurement range is reduced which leads to an improved resolution. One, or two teach limits may be set, with a reduction of the measurement range of up to 50% of the original full scale. The reduced, teached measurement range can be placed anywhere within the original full scale. The switching point can be placed anywhere within the measurement range and is independent of a teaching of the measurement range. Therefore, the switching point can also lie outside of a teached range.

Another advantage of a sensor that can be teached is the possibility to use it in different applications, because the measurement range can be adapted accordingly. There is no need to buy a new sensor every time a different range is required. The configuration of a position sensor is easily done by using the LED button, that is integrated in the VTS-Box. The light signal of the LED indicates the menu point, that is active at the moment and gives feedback to the user, if for example the teaching process was successful.


This series is discontinued. Alternative sensors can be found at signal conditioner.


WayCon Positionsmesstechnik GmbH

Headquarters Munich:

Mehlbeerenstr. 4
82024 Taufkirchen
Fon: +49 89 679713-0, Fax: -250

Office Cologne:
Auf der Pehle 1
50321 Brühl
Fon: + 49 2232 56 79-44, Fax: -45

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